In the past the easiest way to transfer a while from one device to another was Bluetooth. Even today some people continue to use it as a reliable method. The main drawback is that Bluetooth is quite slow and if you are sending a file that is larger than 10MB you will have to wait for a while, even for a single high-quality PDF file.
Others will prefer the traditional USB cable but the need for a PC or laptop means that it is not always convenient, even more so when you are on the move and need to transfer the files in a timely manner.
The answer for those that wish to quickly transfer their files from one device to another is transfer apps. The most popular ones are Xender, SHAREit and Mi Drop. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, as expected. Read below for a comprehensive comparison between the three apps that will allow you to make easily make the choice for your device.
Size matters.
Mi Drop is the lightest of the three, spending only 4MB of internal memory. Xender is in the middle with an average size of 7 B while SHAREit takes up to 12MB of space.
Ease of use and interface design
When it comes to looks and practicality Mi Drop is a clear winner. After you tap on the icon the app quickly opens with two options available: Receive and Send. What is even better is the fact that Xiaomi decided to make the experience entirely free since no ads are present.
SHAREit also clearly highlights the same two options but the screen is flooded with ads that can be accidentally tapped, forcing you to waste your time while closing them in order to go on with the file transfer.
Xender also offers an attractive experience but the interface is a bit convoluted and it could be streamlined a little in order to make it more intuitive.
Files selection
Xiaomi opted for a simple interface that splits content into several card-style options. Selecting the desired files is easy and the minimalistic approach is enjoyable.
Both Xender and SHAREit use a tab-like format for the content. Users can switch between the choices but the interface seems a bit overloaded in some cases. The positive trade-off is that users can easily select and send file batches, saving time when it comes to the selection of files that vary in format and size.
Variety of files
Here there isn’t much to say. Each of the three apps offers support for all the major formats that are usually used, including categories like images, music, documents and even apps. They are also able to transfer an entire folder that contains mixed contents.
Transferring files to several devices at the same time
The Mi Drop suffers a clear defeat here since the app doesn’t allow users to send files to several devices at the same time. Users will have to manually select and transfer the files to each target device, a task that may become a bit menial if several devices are involved.
Xender allows users to select up to four recipients on the Send Screen.
A dedicated Group Sharing features allows SHAREit users to send their files to 5 devices at the same time.
Multiple Platform Support
SHAREit takes the lead here offering support for a wide selection of platforms, including dedicated apps for Windows and Mac.
While Xender supports Android, Mac and Windows Phone those that want to transfer files on their PC or laptop will have to use a web client.
The minimalist Mi Drop is limited to the Android platform but a built-in FTP server allows users to transfer files to their PC.
Mi Drop is entirely ad-free. Xender features some minimalistic ads but they can be easily ignored. SHAREit is plagued by intrusive ads that may be annoying in some cases.
Verdict: To each his/her own
Each app is good for a particular type of user. Those that enjoy a minimalistic app should go with Mi Drop. A balanced mix of features makes Xender great for users that want more functions. SHAREit offers a wealth of features but the app is filled to the brim with ads.
Frances might be just at the beginning of her career, but after attending a technical school, she has a fresh perspective on today’s technology. She contributes to the site with tech news.
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