Following the success of The Sims 4, the ever-growing number of fans of this very popular game are impatiently waiting for a new title to be released. So when should we expect The Sims 5 and what would we like to see in the upcoming game?
Release date
Unfortunately, at the moment we do not have an official release date for Sims 5. However, one thing we know for sure and that is: the game will be soon unveiled. Even though we did not have any confirmation from Electronic Arts so far, there are numerous rumors circulating the internet about this much-loved game. There are some beliefs that the next title will come out in 2020, but nothing is known for certain yet.
Few things that we would like to see in Sims 5
When it comes to the next title from The Sims series, there are a few features that fans would love to have back. One of them has something to do with transportation. In The Sims 3, one amazing thing was that players were able to travel in a vehicle, such as a bike or a car. One could even call a cab if they wanted. The fact that this option was removed from The Sims 4 is quite sad and it definitely makes the game looks less realistic.
Another feature that the upcoming Sims 5 should have from the beginning is all the age groups. In Sims 4, players needed to wait for as long as two years before toddlers were added to the game. It would be great if this will not happen in the next title.
Last but certainly not least, the most wanted feature that probably all fans want to have back is the open world exploration. This option was possible until the last title. Everyone misses the fact that in The Sims 3 you were able to walk anytime you wanted around the neighborhood and throughout the city. We truly hope that these feature will come back and that everyone will be satisfied with The Sims 5 whenever it will be released.
Frances might be just at the beginning of her career, but after attending a technical school, she has a fresh perspective on today’s technology. She contributes to the site with tech news.
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