Minecraft may have had humble origins, but ended becoming one of the most loved games by all categories of people of all ages.
Minecraft was created by Markus Persson and was later released by Mojang in 2011. In the same year, the gaming company released the Minecraft: Pocket Edition for Android, Windows and iOS devices. Since then, this version was constantly updated in order to ultimately have the same features as the PC version, as at first, the players were only able to build and survive the invasion of hostile creatures.
The new features of Minecraft: Pocket Edition
Game Commands
- Players can use the / summon command summons a charged creeper, a saddled pig or a baby turtle
- Mob sounds were increased in volume to be better spotted
- Pickaxes can break ice faster than before
- Mobs now spawn on double slabs
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed a bug that crashed the game when it was paused or resumed
- Skins can now be applied when selected
- Cached packs do not decrease performance anymore
- The player’s arm is no longer displaced in first person view after eating
- HD texture packs still have an unresolved bug problem. Until then, the developers advise not to use the HD texture packs.
There is a modded version of Minecraft: Pocket Edition that also has some recent updates. We also added them to the list of updates for those that use this version of the game.
Before you read them, we feel compelled to explain what is modding when it comes to games. A mod, the short term for ‘modification’ refers to a version of a game that underwent alterations by players or fans of these games. The changes might refer to how a game looks or behaves.
- Premium skins and textures have been unlocked.
- Premium skins and textures have been unlocked.
- The mod has zero damage.
- Infinite breath was added.
- The size of the Max Inventory was increased.
- Mods experience instant kill with every weapon.
Frances might be just at the beginning of her career, but after attending a technical school, she has a fresh perspective on today’s technology. She contributes to the site with tech news.
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