Fans have been expecting details regarding the iconic simulation game, The Sims 5, at E3 2019 press conference, such as a possible release date of the much awaited new sequel. However, the game studio has disclosed nothing, and new reports suggest that the title might come later than anyone anticipated.
As per a report from Swerd Media, the company had made more than $1 billion from when The Sims 4 was first released, in 2014. Moreover, the title has brought millions of players to the community on 2018, and these details suggest that in spite of the grand sales it made at launch, The Sims 4 is still a profitable title.
This might be the cause behind the delay of The Sims 5 if it will really come. The Sims 4 has got many patches and expansions packs with time, and these additions have proven to be effective in making people gain interest in the game. EA plans to profit off of this, and its financial report released to the broad public has made it quite clear.
As said in the report, EA plans to add at least 20 new content and expansion packs to The Sims games in 2020. This means that the company will officially inform people about the next title. However, until then, anything that surfaces on the web concerning The Sims 5 will be a rumor, and not an official statement unless otherwise declared.
The Game stated that even though it is unlikely that EA would be developing The Sims 5 soon, there are a few things we can expect to happen to the sequel since the advancement of technology and the continual upgrades The Sims 4 receives.
For instance, players can expect the new sequel to have a bigger world than what is playable at the moment. Many titles are now working with open world design, and The Sims 5 could also be one of these games. The title is also expected to come with enhanced graphics and broader customization features.
Frances might be just at the beginning of her career, but after attending a technical school, she has a fresh perspective on today’s technology. She contributes to the site with tech news.
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