When you get a new line or phone number, there are many things you need to do besides informing each of your contacts about the change. This includes changing your phone number on WhatsApp to notify your family, friends, and group contacts that you’re no longer using the old number.
Other things you’ll be required to do is change two-factor authentication settings, and adjust any other apps that may have an association with the old phone number.
In WhatsApp, you can change the phone number to add the new one via app settings, but you have to ensure the old one is verified first in WhatsApp. To confirm this, tap Menu>Settings and tap your profile picture.
Once you’re done, you can change your phone number in WhatsApp by doing this:
- Tap Menu
- Select Settings
- Tap Account>Change Number
- A message will come up warning you to confirm that you’re able to receive calls or SMS with the new number
- Tap Next
- Enter the digits of the old phone number and the new one
- Tap Next
- An option to notify your contacts of the new phone number will appear
- Tap Done
Now verify your new number, but keep the following things in mind:
- Make sure your contacts delete your old number even though you’ve notified them of the new number. If someone gets the old number and is on WhatsApp, they’ll be on your friend’s list of contacts
- You don’t have to delete the old account as the Change Number feature in WhatsApp does it for you
- If you switch phones and not phone numbers, download WhatsApp on the new device and confirm your phone number, and then delete the app from the old phone
- All the groups and settings will migrate to the new phone number
There are many other things you can accomplish on WhatsApp like hiding your photo, status, or creating chat shortcuts and much more. It isn’t limited to changing your phone number or wallpaper.
Were you able to successfully change your phone number on WhatsApp? Share in a comment below.

Elsie is a tech writer with 8+ years professional experience. For Tech News Watch, she brings rich experience contributing to topics such as Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS among others. In her spare time, she loves checking out the latest tech trends, gadgets, and news, listening to music and cars.
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