PlayStation 4 is without a doubt the most popular console of the current generation. The reputation of the beloved devices has been consolidated by a high number of excellent exclusives titles like the God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Persona 5. While these games are great when played on PS4, some gamers would like to enjoy them on a PC. This particular demand has led to a flood of PS4 emulators which claim that they can allow you to play your favorite PS4 title on your computer.
A simple search will return several results, with the most popular being PCSX4. The official website claims that the emulator is compatible with a high number of games and it works on both PCs and laptops. PS4emus is a popular alternative which also marketed as a powerful emulation solution.
The truth about PS4 emulators
Those websites make promises which sound too good to be true, and the harsh truth is that they are nothing more than lies. The only real emulator is Orbital and it still in the early alpha stage. The other emulators featured on the web use a variety of tricks to fool unsuspecting customers to pay for a program which is at best broken and at worst filled with malware.
It is quite sad that some of the fake PS4 emulators exploit the fame of real emulators which can run PS One and PS2 games. Those who wish to emulate PS4 games will have to wait for a while but if you are willing to pay, there is one solid alternative.
PlayStation Now is a high-quality streaming service offered by Sony. In exchange for a monthly subscription, users will enjoy hundreds of video games, including popular PS4, PS3, and PS2 titles. Several subscription plans are available, with the most affordable one being a 12-month pack for only $99. Keep in mind that you will need a DualShock 4 controller. Both the wireless and wired version are compatible. The app works on PC and PS4, as well.
Dorothy has been a journalist for ten years and has been working with the Tech News Watch staff since the beginning of the news site. Her main contribution to Tech News Watch are mobile, IT and science news, with a focus on software updates and great outer space discoveries.
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