Mortal Kombat fans should soon receive a new game. Recently, NetherRealm Studios offered us a little taste of what’s about to come. Gameplay footage was released to the public at a live event that took place on Thursday.
The characters
The gameplay allowed us to see the new characters and learn about the upcoming story. Geras is a new fighter that was introduced in the footage. We also had a chance to see Baraka, Sonya Blade, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Raiden, Skarlet. Since there were 25 slots on the screen and we only saw 7, this means that there 18 left. It is also likely that we might see Kabal once again. He first showed up in Mortal Kombat 3, and he did show up on the screen while Tyler Lansdown, the NetherRealm Community Manager was there.
Complete customisation appears to be the next big thing for Mortal Kombat 11. While in Mortal Kombat X players were able to make a couple of changes, in the upcoming game it will be possible to create your own character. Costumes an also be customized.
“In Mortal Kombat X, we introduced the concept of character variations, but those were kind of set in stone. Now we’re handing all that control back to the player, and they’re able to make their specific variations exactly how they want,” producer Trevor Traub explained.
The game will also come with the first female boss, Chronica. We also know that there is a chance to see the undead versions of Kitana and Liu Kang. If you want more details, you should wait a little bit more. Developers promised to reveal more things at a Kombat Kast that will take place on January 30.
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