The headphone jack has been a staple for years but in recent times more and more manufacturers have decided to remove it as wireless headphones and headsets are becoming popular.
The trend was jumpstarted by Apple which removed the jack from the iPhone and introduced the AirPods as an alternative. Heated debates continue on countless forums as users debate if the jack is still relevant.
According to a reliable source, Samsung may drop the jack in the near future. While many fans claim that users should have a choice it seems that Samsung believes that the jack has outlived its usability and some agree that wireless solutions are better when it comes to audio quality.
Samsung has previously tried to remove the Micro SD slot with the Galaxy S6. While the device included a high-performance internal disk that dramatically reduced the download and install times for apps fans were not happy with the decision and countless forum threads asked Samsung to bring back the port on future devices.
Their feedback was heard as the Samsung Galaxy S7 brought back the beloved slot, allowing users to fill their devices with whatever content they desired.
The 3.5 mm jack was first introduced back in the 1950s. The fact that it is cheap and reliable has kept it in use even today. It became popular in the 1970s with the introduction of the Sony Walkman portable cassette player since the device didn’t have an external speaker.
Many premium brands continue to manufacture equipment that uses the 3.5 mm jack. A big advantage is the fact that unlike wireless equipment it does not rely on batteries in order to work, which makes it particularly useful in environments where access to electric power is restricted.
The same source claims that Samsung will also bundle a dongle with future devices in order to keep all users happy. It remains to be seen if the change will actually happen.

Sonia Theo has a long experience in writing, and now she is our associate journalist covering tech, gaming and mobile news. She has a BA in English and German and a BA in Arts and Design. Sonia likes writing about the latest updates in current and future games, guides and reviews. Her favorite past times is gaming, crafting and cooking. Sonia is always ready to help players with tips when they’re in a tough boss fight.
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