Benelli launches its BS6 Imperiale 400, it will start with a price tag of Rs 1.99 lakh. The most affordable offering by the Italian bike manufacturer, Imperiale 400 has added a silver option for Rs 1.99 lakh price tag, which is Rs 20,000 that the BS4 version. Thus it will be included in the Red and Black color options available at Rs 2,10,900.
The Benelli Imperiale 400 BS6 will add a catalytic converter for cleaner air emission to a 374 cc, four-stroke, air-cooled, SOHC, fuel-injected, single-cylinder engine that belts out 21 PS of maximum power at 6,000 RPMs, along with 29 Nm of peak torque at 3,500 rpm. The transmission duties are still handled by a 5-speed gearbox.
The upcoming Imperiale will rival against Royal Enfield 350 and Jawa 42. a 374 cc, four-stroke, air-cooled, SOHC, fuel-injected, single-cylinder engine that belts out 21 PS of maximum power at 6,000 RPMs, along with 29 Nm of peak torque at 3,500 rpm. The transmission duties are still handled by a 5-speed gearbox. The booking amount is set at Rs 6,000 and the deliveries will start from the first week of August 2020.
The post Benelli Imperiale 400 BS6 Launched At a Price Tag of Rs 1.99 Lakh appeared first on Auto Freak.
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