Suburra: Blood on Rome is a television series belonging to the crime drama genre. The series acts as a prequel to the 2015 neo-noir crime film Suburra. Suburra: Blood on Rome is Netflix’s first Italian-language original television series.
The first season of Suburra: Blood on Rome has 10 episodes, while the second season has 8 episodes. Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 1 released on 6th October 2017. The second season of Suburra: Blood on Rome released on 22nd February 2019.
Suburra: Blood on Rome was well received by both audience as well as the critics. The series was praised for its storyline and soundtrack. The first season of Suburra: Blood on Rome has a rating of 100% on rotten tomatoes.
Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3 Cast:
The makers have not yet announced the cast for Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3. The main cast from the first two seasons of Suburra: Blood on Rome is expected to return for the third season. The main cast of Suburra: Blood on Rome includes Alessandro Borghi, Giacomo Ferrara, Francesco Acquaroli, Filippo Nigro, Claudia Gerini, Adamo Dionisi, Carlotta Antonelli, and many others.
Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3 Plot:
The plot of Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3 will be continuing from where it was left off at the end of Season 2. Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3 will depict the crime in the streets of Rome. The constant dispute between the characters will reveal who wins and gains control over the city.
Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3 Release Date:
Shortly after the release of the Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 2, Netflix renewed the series for a third season. The makers have not yet announced the release date of Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3. It is expected that Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3 may release somewhere in late 2021. However, Suburra: Blood on Rome Season 3 might get delayed since productions of many films and series have been halted due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Netflix has made it official that the third season of Suburra: Blood on Rome will be the final season of the series.
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