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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019: Killstreaks

Many rumors and leaks have been flying around about the Moden Warfare 2019 multiplayer mode and the presence of killstreaks. The release date of the game will be the 25th of October 2019, so it won’t take long until we can definitely see what’s exactly going on.

It is looking like the game will receive some kind of killstreaks count, much in the same way Dota 2 has but more orientated to specialty kills. We cannot be sure about the feature at this time but Call of Duty games have used it in the past so why not Modern Warfare.

Modern Warfare 2019 Killstreak types

Other streaks

Killstreaks promote personal results on an individual level but we may get other streaks as well with the upcoming game. Scorestreaks may be used to promote the satisfaction of current objectives on a team level.

Specialist streaks could be reintroduced in the franchise as they have not made an appearance since Ghosts. These streaks offer perks for players that have achieved a killstreak without dying. The specialist streaks could involve a series of specific kills in the marksman, blade, and blast shield categories, among others.

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