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Facebook Messenger Dark Mode: ‘Lights Out,’ The Feature No Longer Hidden

Update! Facebook Messenger’s hidden Dark Mode will soon be a feature inside the settings menu, no longer hidden, wrote Bridget Pujals, the Product Manager for Messenger in a blog post:

One of the most highly anticipated features from the launch of Messenger 4, dark mode is a sleek new look that goes easy on the eyes by switching the background from white to black.

But in the coming weeks, this hidden feature will appear in the settings, so you don’t need to go through that easter egg hunt again on another device.

Of course this mode was highly anticipated. We were all craving for a Dark Mode for everything that comes on handheld devices, PC desktops and so on. Nobody wants to browse the internet and look at a yellow screen while in a dark room. And when Dark Mode was teased for Messenger, it was a boon for many of us who chat before going to sleep.

It was no surprise that everyone wanted to text the crescent moon to their friends or family to activate the hidden, limited-time feature. If you haven’t tried it yet, check out our guide here.

Now the latest update comes from Bridget Pujals who describes the Dark Mode as being a perfect method to reduce screen glare in low light conditions. All users on iOS and Android that have the latest versions of Messenger (and not the Lite version) can activate Dark Mode.

Moreover, you can go to the chat option and choose a color for the background – we recommend a warm color such as orange or even light tan to make it look friendly to your eyes.

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