Alita Battle Angel is the movie adaptation of the manga series Gunnm (also called Battle Angel Alita). Yukito Kishiro, the Japanese performer, initially released the show in 1990, which was followed by an original video animation in 1993.
The cast of season 2
- Rosa Salazar should come as Alita
- Christoph Waltz as Dr Dyson
- Jennifer Connelly as Dr Chiren
- Mahershala Ali as Vector
- Ed Skrein as Zapan
- Jackie Earle Haley as Grewishka
- Keenan Johnson as Hugo
- Lana Condor as Ko Yomi
- Rick Yune again as Master Clive Lee.
The plot of season 2
The next part of the film will show the possibility that the cast lost Hogo after his first appearance, struggling to become a matchless person, with Alita growing up to become a motorcycle winner who is known as Nova. It will end in the tasty city of Zalim. According to Robert Rodríguez, Alita is currently self-aware.
Release date of season 2
It is released on January 31, 2019, and premiered on different languages in different countries and the original language Released in English.
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