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[Update: July 6] Xiaomi MIUI 12 global update bug tracker: Issues reported & fixed so far

New updates are being added to this story…….

Original story (published on May 29, 2020) follows:

Xiaomi announced the MIUI 12 global update on May 19 and quickly started rolling out the “beta stable” version to a handful of handsets that include the Mi 9, Mi 9T, and Mi 9T Pro.

More devices are expected to receive the stable update in the coming weeks beginning June all the way to July, which is when phase 2 of the rollout will begin.

As with any new software, the MIUI 12 global update isn’t perfect. Sure, there is plenty of stuff that Xiaomi seems to have gotten right, but there are also a good number of bugs that you’ll have to deal with along the way.

Here, we will keep track of these bugs and other issues reported by users of the global MIUI 12. The article will be updated regularly to reflect the latest bugs discovered in the software.

1. The background goes black when enabling floating window from the control center [Mi 9T, Mi 9, and Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.8 and V12.0.0.11]. UPDATE: FIXED.

2. Whatsapp text isn’t properly showing [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

3. Recent Gestures not working sometimes [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

4. Status bar icons not visible with dark mode [Mi 9 on V12.0.0.8].

5. App notification exists even after its clicked on it/read it [Mi 9T, Mi 9, and Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.11 and V12.0.0.8]. UPDATE: FIXED.

6. Sorted toggle gets messed up after reboot [Mi 9T, Mi 9, and Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.11 and V12.0.0.8]. UPDATE: FIXED.

7. Settings app crashes when storage option is accessed [Mi 9 and Mi 9T on V12.0.0.8 and V12.0.0.11]. UPDATE: FIXED.

8. Chinese text in privacy protection settings [Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.8]. UPDATE: FIXED.

9. No floating window options in recent panel [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11]. UPDATE: NOT AN MIUI ISSUE.

10. Old gesture to switch apps & Google bottom bar not available for some users [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11]. UPDATE: NOT AN MIUI ISSUE. [Those who are still facing this issue can just uninstall the update of System Launcher. For Poco Launcher users, wait for the Poco Launcher update].

11. Screen flickering when unlocking with every type of lock [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

12. Alphabet is misaligned [Mi 9 on V12.0.0.8].

13. Chinese character showing in super wallpaper [Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.8]. UPDATE: FIXED.

14. The device list in Bluetooth appears in English when system language is Russian or any other [Mi 9 on V12.0.0.8].

15. AOD and Lockscreen shows AM, PM while using 24hrs clock [Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.8].

16. Scrolling widget in homescreen brings down notification panel/control center [Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.8].

17. Google Assistant is not showing properly in dark theme [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11]. UPDATE: FIXED.

18. System app updater page text overlapping settings button when using the Portuguese language [Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.8].

19. While using app lock, the Floating window shows completely black and it can’t be unlocked even after making it in full screen [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

20. Videos when played in floating windows show a black screen [Mi 9T, Mi 9T Pro, and Mi 9 on V12.0.0.8 and V12.0.0.11].

21. Notification shade icons remain same on both MIUI & Android style [Mi 9T, Mi 9T Pro, and Mi 9 on V12.0.0.11 and V12.0.0.8]. UPDATE: FIXED.

22. Games in floating window cause hanging of the device [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

23. With MIUI Widget shortcut for calendar doesn’t work [Mi 9T, Mi 9T Pro, and Mi 9 on V12.0.0.11 and V12.0.0.8].

24. App name shows as system UI on lockscreen [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

25. There’s non-uniformity in the drag down notification animations. Sometimes it opens downward and sometimes in zoom out animation [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

26. Incomplete translation (Portuguese language) [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

27. Video can’t be uploaded to Instagram [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11]. UPDATE: FIXED.


All of the above MIUI 12 global update bugs have either been reported to the relevant team to be fixed or are under discussion. Xiaomi is expected to address them in future updates, but there is no known timeline.

Update 1 (May 31, 2020)

A bunch of new bugs has been reported since we first published this story and they are as follows:

1. When dark mode is applied AOD settings show items in grey and show while box when configuring [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

2. System App updater always in White/ Light [Mi 9, Mi 9T, and Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.0.11 and V12.0.0.8]. UPDATE: FIXED.

3. Sometimes notification icon disappears and show only the background color of the application [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

4. Dark mode behaves weird in Facebook app and shows white screen [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11]. UPDATE: THIS IS NOT AN MIUI ISSUE.

5. Translation issue English to Chinese, default system language is Chinese [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11].

Update 2 (June 05, 2020)

Fresh MIUI 12 bugs have been reported and they are as follows:

1. In the recent apps screen, the navigation bar doesn’t contrast with the screen in recent app [Mi 9 on V12.0.0.9 (EU)].

2. When playing WhatsApp & Telegram notification shows blank floating notification [Mi 9 on V12.0.0.9 (EU)].

3. Animation missing in lockscreen if notification is double tapped [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11 (Global)].

4. No sound for WhatsApp notification [Mi 9 on V12.0.0.8 (Global)].

5. Sometimes icons don’t show properly [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11 (Global)]. UPDATE: FIXED.

6. Text overlapping issue in various apps [Redmi K20 Pro on V12.0.0.9 (India)]. UPDATE: FIXED (NEW)

7. Privacy protection feature image having Chinese text [Redmi K20 Pro on V12.0.0.9 (India)]. UPDATE: FIXED.

8. Updater app refers to Chinese Mi community [Mi 9T, Mi 9T Pro, Mi 9, Redmi K20 Pro (All ROMS)]. UPDATE: FIXED.

9. AOD Turns on with battery saver [Redmi K20 Pro on V12.0.0.9 (India)]. UPDATE: FIXED (NEW)

10. Home screen super wallpaper shows on lockscreen for a very short time [Redmi K20 Pro on V12.0.0.9 (India)].

11. Reply and mark as read on notification arent properly aligned on the grey color icon [Redmi K20 Pro on V12.0.0.9 (India)].

Update 3 (June 09, 2020)

Xiaomi has addressed one of the first MIUI 12 bugs while shedding more light on a couple of others.

1. The issue where the background goes black when enabling floating window from the control center on the Mi 9T, Mi 9, and Mi 9T Pro has been fixed.

2. The issue where the old gesture to switch apps & Google bottom bar is not available for some users on the Mi 9T is not an MIUI issue. Affected users can uninstall the update of System launcher to fix it. Poco Launcher users should wait for the Poco Launcher update to address the issue.

3. For Mi 9T owners experiencing an issue where Dark mode behaves weirdly in the Facebook app and shows a white screen, Xiaomi says it’s not related to MIUI.

Update 4 (June 11, 2020)

According to Xiaomi, the issue where some Mi 9T owners were missing the floating window options in recent panel is not related to MIUI.

Update 5 (June 15, 2020)

New bugs have been found and are as follows:

1. Macro and HDR doesn’t work simultaneously [Mi 9 on V12.0.0.8 (Global)].
2. Error 16 when using android auto and there are dual apps on the phone. Without dual apps it works properly [Mi 9T, Redmi K20 on V12.0.0.11 (Global and India)]
3. While playing a game and doing call on messenger, after the call end the audio of the game will resume on the speaker for call [Mi 9T, Redmi K20 on V12.0.0.11].
4. Clicking on the date in widget doesn’t open calendar app [Redmi K20, K20 Pro, Mi 9T, 9T Pro, and Mi 9 on all ROMs]

Update 6 (June 23, 2020)

More bugs have been discovered in the latest versions of MIUI 12 and we have their details below:

1. Android system drains a lot of battery [Mi 9T on V12.0.0.11 (Global)].
2. Text overlapping issue in various apps [Redmi K20 Pro on V12.0.0.9 (India)]. UPDATE: FIXED (NEW)
3. Device reboot automatically while using the camera app [Redmi K20 Pro on V12.0.0.9 (India)].
4. Notification shade issue [Redmi K20 Pro on V12.0.0.9].

Update 7 (July 3, 2020)

Xiaomi has addressed a bunch of bugs, all of which have been marked as NEW in the lists above.

Update 8 (July 6, 2020)

New bugs have been identified in the latest MIUI 12 updates and are as listed below:

1. Send button don’t work with floating window (Mi 9T on V12.0.1.0 [Global])
2. Device watermark is incorrect (Redmi Note 8 Pro on V12.0.0.4 [Global])
3. Gesture bar transparency issue (Redmi Note 8 Pro on V12.0.0.4 [Global])
4. Weather app shows “Can’t use the app. It’s installed from an unofficial source (Mi 9 on V12.0.1.0 [Global])
5. Connected devices list and block option missing in hotspot settings (Redmi Note 8 Pro on V12.0.0.4 [Global])
6. Sometimes notification shade gets locked (Redmi Note 8 Pro on V12.0.0.4 [Global])
7. Keyboard stuck on the lock screen (Mi 9T Pro on V12.0.1.0 [Europe])
8. Touch gesture-enabled in screen recorder getting applied to phone after a reboot (Redmi Note 8 Pro on V12.0.0.4 [Global])

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The post [Update: July 6] Xiaomi MIUI 12 global update bug tracker: Issues reported & fixed so far appeared first on PiunikaWeb.

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