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Can’t Find WiFi Password On Android? Try These Fixes

Can’t Find WiFi Password

It’s frustrating if you can’t find WiFi password on your Android device, especially when you really need to use the internet to send an email or work on an assignment. Whatever the reason, your device usually remembers the password indefinitely. If it’s for security reasons, it won’t share the password.

Thankfully, you can display your WiFi password on Android (for rooted devices), and access all your folders using a command line tool, regardless of the device you’re using.

What to do when you can’t find WiFi password on Android

Use a Terminal Emulator

This tool can help you access the file storing your WiFi password. You can choose from many terminal emulators, but one of the good tools is Termux, which brings Linux command line utilities to Android so you can use your phone like a Linux didstro. To do this:


Android Debug Bridge (ADB) helps you do everything from your computer, so you can pull the WiFi configuration from your phone and view from your computer.

To do this:

Allow and run the command above to show the device’s serial numberRun these commands from the terminal

$ adb shell

$ su

# cat /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf

Copy the configuration by running these commands:

# cp /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf /sdcard/
# exit
$ exit
$ adb pull /sdcard/wpa_supplicant.conf ~/Downloads/

Open the file on the computer and access everything

Find the network blocks in the file, and your network using the ssid. The password is found under psk. Exit the shell by typing: # exit $ exit and disconnect your device safely.

Make sure your password is written somewhere safe and store it for later use.

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