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Adobe After Effects And Top Three Alternatives For Beginners and Professionals

Digital motion composition, fancy visual effects, and endless creative possibilities – that’s what Adobe After Effects has been offering for years, inspiring video makers around the world. It’s a very popular program used for producing TV programs, commercials, and even movies.

Today we’ll take a look at After Effects and three great alternatives everyone check out.

Adobe After Effects

After Effects is the software, you should go for if your work consists of special effects. It’s the tool you use with imagination, and there are endless tutorials online. An example of editing you could do is the ‘scribble animation effect’ designer DarkSheep55 experiments with in dancing videos like the one below.

But what about After Effects alternatives?


There are many alternatives out there, but finding one that offers what After Effects has is a bit tough. Nonetheless, a good choice can be Blender, which works on Mac, Windows, and Linux. It is free to use, and it’s great for creating 3D visual effects – you can even use it to create apps or video games.


This software is only available for Windows, and it’s free as well. You can use it as a standalone app, or as a plugin to Sony Vegas. It lets you add special effects and do compositing, providing real-time effects.


Working on Windows, Linux, and Mac, Nuke is a good alternative to After Effects, especially in commercial use. It has a toolkit for users to work together and make effects no matter where they are. Nuke is also used to create movie effects, but it has a higher price than other alternatives.

Other After Effects Alternatives

Free to use: Hitfilm, Natron

Paid Subscription: Apple Motion, Eyeon Fusion, Wondershare Filmora9, Autodesk Smoke

Here’s a sneak peek from what you can create with Adobe After Effects, via DarkSheep55:

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