The Sims 4 is nearing its 5th birthday, which is a great milestone for a video game, but usually by this time, most of the playerbase gets bored of a regular game.
Not the case for The Sims 4
It seems that the players of the Sims 4 really like the game a lot, as plenty of members of the community are still active. There’s just something that makes gamers love being puppeteers in their Sims world.
More than a month ago, the Island Living DLC was released for PC and Mac, and finally, PS4 users received the update. There are hints to a new July 2019 update for the PS4. One of the more relevant benefits of the update is that it adds an aspected linked with Create-a-Sim mode.
A new look
The developer and the publisher of The Sims 4 agreed to give the game a makeover after the release of the new DLC, furthermore improving the gameplay experience. Lots of leaks about the new look of the game appeared online.
The most wanted feature of the upcoming update is the ability to customize a sim by taking a personality test, therefore giving new characteristics to sims, refreshing the gameplay for veteran fans.
According to Maxis, only PC users would receive the new look DLC.
What’s in the new DLC?
The July 2019 update added over a thousand new items for players to use in game, an updated loading screen and main menu, alongside the Create-a-Sim mode.
One thing is certain: The ability to customize the game’s world to your will makes the experience timeless.
Frances might be just at the beginning of her career, but after attending a technical school, she has a fresh perspective on today’s technology. She contributes to the site with tech news.
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