Have you ever received error messages that say the page you requested cannot be found or the site can’t be reached? These are common when you try to access pages on Microsoft’s website when downloading Windows 10 in Google Chrome browser.
The pages can be accessed from other browsers like Microsoft Edge or Firefox, but Chrome tends to return error messages. Initially, the problem could be fixed by deleting cookies set by the Microsoft website, as these tend to interfere with the connection.
However, you could encounter similar but slightly different problems when accessing Microsoft pages from your Chrome browser, including the “we are sorry, the page you requested cannot be found” message. Sometimes it could even be a message that says the URL may be misspelled or the page you’re looking for isn’t available.
Particular instances of Google Chrome had this issue, so it’s not a system-wide problem; it’s just that Google Chrome can’t connect to Microsoft webpages while other browsers including Chrome Canary can.
How to fix The Page You Requested Cannot Be Found error
There are several reasons why you can get the page you requested cannot be found error on your browser, but you can try some troubleshooting steps below to fix it:
- Open Chrome browser
- Click Menu
- Select More Tools
- Click Developer Tools to open the Developer toolbar
- Select Application
- Click Cookies from the left sidebar
- Launch Microsoft website URL to show all the cookies set by its domain
- Delete all the cookies. This means if you use certain services or try accessing specific areas of the site, you may have to authenticate again
- Reload the page that failed to load
Clearing cookies in your Chrome browser when you get the page you requested cannot be found error or other connection issues can resolve the problem. It may or may not resurface at some point later on, but you can clean cookies set by Microsoft domain to prevent it from happening again.

Elsie is a tech writer with 8+ years professional experience. For Tech News Watch, she brings rich experience contributing to topics such as Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS among others. In her spare time, she loves checking out the latest tech trends, gadgets, and news, listening to music and cars.
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