Opera Mini New 43.2.2254.140175 Update is Now Available for Download with Faster Performances

Even though Android-powered smartphones are equipped with Google Chrome right from the get-go, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Google Chrome is going to provide Android fans with all the features and performances that they need when surfing the web. For example, Google Chrome is infamous for using up lots of hardware power in order to run and this is quite a serious problem for entry-level or older smartphones that are not equipped with the latest processors. Luckily, here is Opera Mini comes in and offers an alternative.

Introducing: Opera Mini

For the uninitiated, Opera Mini is a premium mobile browser that offers a powerful web browsing experience that is packed with lots of cool features. However, what really makes Opera Mini stand out from all other mobile browsers is the fact that it is a lightweight app. What this basically means is that Opera Mini will take up only a few MB of internal storage space and also that it will not drain the user’s mobile data in order to load websites. Now that we have covered what makes Opera Mini special, let’s go ahead and check out the latest update that has recently started rolling out via OTA (over the air) channels.

New 43.2.2254.140175 Update

Opera Mini fans should be happy to find out that a new update which sports the 43.2.2254.140175 build number is available for download. The update can be downloaded from Opera Mini’s official website, in the form of APK (Android Package Kit) and via OTA channels. We are advising Opera Mini fans to pick the OTA option because it’s simpler.

Nonetheless, the new update for Opera Mini comes with a handful of bug fixes that take care of various issues which caused the browser to lag at times. Fortunately, this not going to happen now that the new update is rolling out.

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