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UC Browser Update is Now Available with Improved Page Loading Speed

If you enjoy using UC Browser on your smartphone in order to browse the web while mobile, then we have some amazing news to share with you! The world-famous mobile browser has received a new update and it comes with a handful of important software changes that are taking its performances to the next level. With that said, today we are going to check out everything there is to know about UC Browser’s latest update.

UC Browser Update

The first thing that we want to note about UC Browser’s latest update is that it sports the version number. The developers who are in charge of this update have announced that all users should download it as soon as it pops up in their notifications panels because it is being rolled out via OTA (over the air) channels.

What’s New?

The question that all UC Browser users must be asking right now is what’s new? The new update introduces three major software changes that are going to make the mobile web browsing experience on UC Browser even better than it already is. Here are the patch notes for the new update:

  1. Enjoy sharing: Easier to share news, videos and pages with friends!
  2. Fast browsing: Spend less time on page loading.
  3. Video: Better experience of video play with technical and UI optimizations.


As we can clearly see, the new update for UC Browser brings a handful of important software changes. However, the most important one has to be the improved page loading speed. The reason why we have picked this is as the most important software change from the new update is because improving the overall page loading speed means that UC Browser is going run faster than ever after installing the new update.

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