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League of Legends Mid-Season Trials Available with New Choices

Good news for gamers all around the world! Riot Games is now launching an extraordinary event, on the occasion of the Mid-Season Invitational. It’s actually quite similar to the Versus events that we have seen in the previous years. This means that you, as a player, will have to choose a faction and then fight for them to win.

What Are the Choices?

For this event, you need to choose between the following houses:

So you just have to pick the faction you like most. Luckily, if you’re undecided, don’t worry, there is a solution for you as well. There is a quiz available in client that you can take and see which one you should choose.

What’s Next?

After you decided for a faction, now you just need to complete the missions that are available in the event. You can also watch games, but you need to earn points for your house. The final stake, which is the prize for the winning house, is an icon, a golden emote, as well as an in-game finisher animation.

But besides this, there are also some other benefits for players. As you will climb and complete missions, you can redeem a lot of tokens for loot, which you can do in any other event. With this, you can further get golden chromas, loot boxes, and many more to make your game much more enjoyable.

So stay tuned on May 8th at 4 PM E.T. to start your own mission and unlock many great things. Keep in mind that the event will be live until June 3rd at 2:59 AM E.T. Let your friends know about it as well so that you can enjoy this great event together and contribute to the success of your house!

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