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Dragon Age 4: When Will It Finally Be Released?

Recently BioWare did tease us a little bit about their upcoming Dragon Age game. Speculating about the next Dragon Age installment is a popular activity among users, and one of the detail they want to know most is the release date. We know that the game is currently in development, but has the studio announced an official release date for it?

Dragon Age Release Date

We must start by saying that there is no confirmed release date for Dragon Age 4. The game was announced, but BioWare did not offer us its final title, nor a release date for it. The announcement was made at The Games Awards, and developers presented a short trailer for it.

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The title used for the trailer was Dragon Age 4, but this title should change in the future. In the video, we were able to see Solas, a Dragon Age: Inquisition that will make a comeback in the upcoming installment. We do know that the studio is working at the game, as numerous tweets offered us clues. “I am so excited for you to see what the next Dragon Age will be,” tweeted Mark Darrah executive producer.

If we were to guess the release date, we can already say that fans will have to wait more. We know for sure that BioWare has to release Anthem first, and that game won’t be out until February 2019. Only after that the studio can start focusing on Dragon Age 4. Therefore, it would make sense to expect the game at some point in 2020 or maybe even later.

Dragon Age 4 is expected to be released on PC, Xbox One and PS4. It will be interesting to see whether the new generation of consoles will be out before the Dragon Age 4 launch.

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