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Minecraft Has Launched a Paws and Claws Costume Pack to Raise Money for WWF

We’ve just heard about an announcement from Microsoft regarding an initiative to raise money for WWF (The World Wildlife Fund) with the help of Minecraft, who just launched a new Paws and Claws costume pack.

A great initiative for a good cause

The release of the Paws and Claws pack comes soon after the most recent update from Minecraft, which introduced pandas, bamboo, scaffolding and redesigned cats. So it seems that all net proceeds from each sale, which is 62.5%, will be given as a donation to WWF until 11th of December, 2021. The costume pack, also called Cosplay pack by Microsoft, will feature 17 cat and panda-themed skins.

There’s even more good news

We have even more good news. It looks like Microsoft promised to donate an additional $100,000 to WWF, after Minecraft players will have placed a total of 10 million bamboo blocks in the game. A similar donation took place last year, when it was given to the Nature Conservancy once players from the same popular game have managed to lay down 10 million coral blocks.

What to do if you want to be a part of it

In case you are interested in this charity initiative from Microsoft, you can get involved either by buying the Paws and Claws costume pack or via dedicated block placing. You actually have a chance of doing something good for the world, so don’t forget that if you plant some bamboo in Minecraft, you will actually help pandas in the real life. Also, keep in mind that you will need to use Minecraft’s Bedrock edition, which is available on Android, iOS, Xbox One, Switch, and of course, Windows 10.

So all of you who already have Minecraft Bedrock Edition and want to give a hand to the World Wildlife Fund, start playing as soon as you can. It will be for a good cause!

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