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New Kingdom Hearts III Trailer: Latest Changes Available

Square Enix promised some days ago that they would release a brand-new trailer of its soon-to-hit-the-market JRPG Kingdom Hearts III.

What does the trailer show?

We’ve seen the trailer, and it’s awesome (like any other Kingdom Hearts III trailers, as a matter of fact, so it’s really not a surprising thing). It shows the opening cutscene of the game. For those who have played the game ever since it first appeared, it’s a blast from the past.

As players, we get the English and the Japanese version, that comes with the game’s theme song, called Face My Fear, performed by Hikaru Utada and edited and arranged by Skrillex in different languages. Take a look at the trailer and see if you’re all goosebumps. We know we are.

Amazon’s game

Speaking of which, Amazon recently promised something to us, too, but for all we know, this might be our surprise, and we just happened to be here to see it. In other words, we also got new artwork from Kairi just a few days ago – goosebumps all over again.

When will it be released?

On the 16th of December, another video (of 30 seconds) is supposed to be released. The final trailer will come on the 18th of December. On the 21st of December, there will be three fifteen-second commercials, that will globe a month of new Kingdom Hearts III footage.

The game Kingdom Hearts III will be released for Xbox and PS4, first in Japan, on the 25th of January 2019. Those players in Europe and North America won’t be bored out of their minds while waiting to play the game, since it will be released on the 29th of January 2019 on this side of the Pacific Ocean.

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